LRPC Mission Statement, Charter, Goals and Tasks

LRPC Mission Statement
Provide a safe and reliable long range water supply at an effective and predictable cost for the Blue Lake Springs shareholders over the next 40 years

LRPC Charter

Serving as an advisory committee to the Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company Board of Directors, provide on-going recommendations to help implement financially acceptable and technically practical water supply and demand management strategies to ensure a long term, dependable, and high quality water supply for the share-holders. The three year plan will focus on capital projects to include infrastructure and water meter improvement, replacement, and maintenance; continuing water usage analysis, development of the annual rate structure; and support to other projects as requested by the Board of Directors

*Rate Structure Goals

  1. Select rate structure that yields revenue in a stable and predictable manner
  2. Fund all our costs, including adequate reserves
  3. Select rate structure that promotes Conservation
  4. Maintain simplicity, while promoting shareholder fairness and equity


  1. Act as a Board resource when recommendations are requested on issues pertaining to the Long Range Plan
  2. Meet at least quarterly to evaluate the priority list progress and review completed projects. Additional meetings will be scheduled as needed by the Chair
  3. As condition may change over time, continue to stay abreast of all water source options (i.e., CCWD surface water purchase options versus existing ground water wells) and perform side by side cost benefit analysis
  4. Plans will be periodically re-evaluated and adjusted as needed
  5. Final water rates will be established when the LRPC and Board fully understand the expected outcomes (i.e., predictable usage levels and price elasticity of demand) and is able to explain it to the members


  1. The economic well-being of our customers and our community depend upon our ability to ensure high quality and reliable water services at an acceptable financial cost
  2. Budgetary projections will be based on cash needs and reviewed annually
  3. Separate Operations and Maintenance budget plans from Capital and Infrastructure Improvements


  1. Treat our shareholders with respect while maintaining open “transparent” communications
  2. Involve and engage shareholders as we define and evaluate our community’s needs, identify and evaluate our options, and proceed to implement the ap proved strategies


  1. Perform Water Meter Usage Studies as required to analyze and validate percentage of users at determined tier levels and evaluate trends over time: Utilize findings in rate structure development
  2. Coordinate development of annual shareholders rate structure in parallel with Treasurer’s proposed annual budget
  3. Recommend commercial rate structure for BLSHOA and SWCC
  4. Assist staff in selection and recommendation to Board an accounting firm to complete USDA required annual audits
  5. Provide recommendations on the USDA Infrastructure and Water Meter Capital Improvement Project as requested
  6. In coordination with Treasurer’s budgeting analysis, continue to update multi-year cash flow analysis as required
  7. Recommend shareholder billing schedule
  8. Recommend shareholder alternate billing payment options
  9. Recommend Reserve Accounts needed and value in addition to USDA Debt Reserve & Short Term Asset Reserve
  10. Validate current proposed value of Short Term Asset Reserve (may require a consultant’s services to assist)
  11. Undertake special long-range planning assignments as directed by the Board