Dear Shareholders,

We are heading into another drought and state officials are asking us to voluntarily reduce water use by 15% compared to 2020 use. Blue Lake Springs is currently in drought Stage 1 of our drought action plan.

Stage 1 consists of:

  • NO watering of forest trees, NO watering on Mondays,
  • NO watering between10am-6pm, watering outside is a voluntary reduction of 10%
  • Odd addresses water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
  • Even addresses water on Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

With the state’s major reservoirs being so low our state will inevitably be issuing stricter restrictions this summer and fall. Our drought action plan and tips on how to conserve water can be found on

June Usage

During the month of June, we saved nearly 1 million gallons compared to June 2020. That’s the same amount as 1 ½ Olympic-sized swimming pools and is an 18% savings which surpasses the state voluntary reduction of 15%. Thank you for your conservation efforts. Please keep it up.

7 Years Total Water Usage

In the Field

The watermasters have been removing the old services and have almost completed the Tank 4 side of Blue Lake Springs. They will soon be going to the Tank 6 side of our subdivision. During the summer months we’ll be out maintaining the hydrants exercising valves throughout Blue Lakes Springs. You might notice a little water in the ditch or road from the maintenance of the hydrants. The maintenance of these hydrants and flushing is necessary for your health and safety.

Tyler Mayo
General Manager
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company