General Manager’s Report

General Manager’s Report June 2024

Pipe Replacement In November of 2023, we replaced 450 feet of 6-inch pipe from Snowflake Drive to Del Rio Drive, which is part of our pumping line from the Treatment Plant to Tank 6. Fire Hydrants Over the Winter, we had 2 hydrants damaged, one by a tree, and the other by a vehicle. Both…

General Manager’s Report July 2022

Usage: BLSMWC usage is down nearly 1 million gallons (22%) from last year. For the month of June we saved more than the State requirement of 20% reduction in usage. Thank you for your conservation efforts, please keep it up throughout the drought. If we can all work together to conserve, the water will always…

General Manager’s Report May 2022

Annual Shareholder’s Meeting, June 4, 2022 General Manager Mayo’s Report: Throughout 2021 we wrapped up the USDA project, then completed the meter installation to every home in the Blue Lake Springs Subdivision. After the completion of the USDA project, we updated many of our policies and procedures to reflect the new water system. The field…

General Manager’s Report March 2022

Dear Shareholders, Congratulation’s shareholders, in February we used 2.7 million gallons which is nearly 800,000 gallons less (23% saving) than this time last year. Which equates to 34,800 10-minute showers. Thank you for your conservation. Of the 2.7 million gallons used, there were more than 200,000 gallons in leaks which occurred at homes that did…

General Manager’s Report January 2022

Dear Shareholders, I would like to thank the shareholders for their conservation efforts. Our usage total from 2021 was 44,110,000 gallons which is a 24% savings from the 57,671,000 gallons used in 2020. Below is a chart showing our water usage every month for the past four years.  As a reminder when you leave your…

General Manager’s Report November 2021

Dear Shareholders, For our total usage, we saved 46% from last year at this time. That’s 2.4 million gallons of water, which is enough to fill more than 3.5 Olympic size swimming pools. We are on track to finish the year with a total of 47,000,000 gallons of water usage which would be about a…

General Manager’s Report October 2021

September Usage: We are currently in drought stage 1 of our action plan. Information regarding the drought action plan can be found at Blue Lake Springs residents used 1.8 million gallons less water than last September, which is a 32% savings. We encourage you to keep up the conservation efforts though the rest of…

General Manager’s Report September 2021

Dear Shareholders, Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company is currently in Stage 1 of our drought plan. Stage 1 consists of: NO watering of forest trees, NO watering on Mondays, NO watering between 10am-6pm, watering outside is a voluntary reduction of 10% and Odd addresses water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Even addresses water on Wednesday,…

General Manager’s Report August 2021

Dear Shareholders, Calaveras County water conservation partnership has started again. This partnership is between our local water agencies to promote water conservation. HISTORY Calaveras Conserves was formed in Spring, 2015 as an opportunity for agencies to provide a consistent outreach message to the community during droughts. All major water agencies in Calaveras County are members…

General Manager’s Report July 2021

Dear Shareholders, We are heading into another drought and state officials are asking us to voluntarily reduce water use by 15% compared to 2020 use. Blue Lake Springs is currently in drought Stage 1 of our drought action plan. Stage 1 consists of: NO watering of forest trees, NO watering on Mondays, NO watering between10am-6pm,…