I would like to be considered as a candidate for Director of the Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company. I have lived full-time at 835 Mauna Kea Drive for 19 years and have followed the saga of BLSMWC through the political ups and downs to the stability of the past several years. If elected to the BLSMWC Board, I believe I can offer positive direction learned and practiced in past careers and from sitting on several Boards in Calaveras County to which I have been elected.

My background consists of 28 years in Public Safety, 10 years in Industrial Security including two years as Director of Security of 101 California Street, San Francisco, one year as Director of Security of the TransAmerica building in San Francisco, two years as President of Calaveras Humane Society, and 12 years as Owner of a vegetation/tree removal service in Calaveras County.

Jon Dashner

I presently serve on the Ebbetts Pass Fire District Board of Directors having been first elected in 2004 and recently reelected for my fifth four-year term. I also served one term on the Blue Lake Springs HOA Board of Directors. For the last four years, I have been the Alternate Representative to CAL LAFCO representing Calaveras County and on the ballot for reelection.

With my background in Public Service and Private Industry, I believe I can be an asset to the Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company. Your consideration will be appreciated.