General Manager’s Report

General Manager’s Report

Shareholders, I’m sure you all are concerned about the drought in California and how it affects us here in Blue Lake Springs. Water Supply for 2015 In the first 3 months of 2015, our usage decreased by 856,000 gallons. That’s water that our well didn’t have to pump, and it shows continued conservation even in…

General Manager’s Report

Shareholders, Meters at Wells We have just completed installation of two flow meters out at our operating wells at White Pines. This is to comply with the State Water Resources Control Board, which mandates flow meters with totalizers on all wells in California. Well #2 had a 4 inch meter installed, and well #3 had…

General Manager’s Report

Hi Shareholders, I hope you all had a great Holiday Season. Production/Consumption The wells production for December 2014 was 3,449,000 gallons which came in 666,000 gallons less than 2013, ending the year with a total water savings of 10,215,000 gallons. Thanks to all for the great effort in conservation. The wells production for January 2015…