
The May numbers are very good, and show fantastic water conservation by a majority of shareholders.
Usage May:
2013: 4,341,000 gallons.
2014:  4,152,000 gallons.
2015:  2,602,000 gallons.
These numbers represent a 40% water savings over 2013, and a 37% savings over 2014.

Your continuing conservation efforts has effected our available storage for the summer. If you imagine standing at the bottom of a column of water that is 222 feet high, in May 2015 you would look up and see 94 feet of water above you. In May 2014 you would look up and see 89 feet. In May 2013 you would see 95 feet. So our supply is back to 2013 levels, in spite of very little precipitation in the last 4 years. This makes me very happy as we approach the 4th of July and the high demand Summer months, and it shows that with proper water management ( conservation, leak detection)
our wells can recover, even in dry years. If the drought continues for years to come however, it is not known how much available storage we will have.
We are approaching this question on three fronts.

Well # 4
We are adding a new well to our system that is expected to produce 50 gallons per minute. That would add 513,000 gallons to our May 2015 total production, taking a load off of our present wells 2 & 3. Construction should start in September.

Wholesale Water Purchase Agreement With CCWD
We are working hard to come to an agreement with CCWD to purchase wholesale water. Negotiation has been up and down over the past few months, but I am confident we will have an agreement before 2016.

Drought Stage 4
In the event that the drought continues, and water supplies shrink, we are working on the next stage of our Drought action Plan, to insure some water will be available for health and safety. With adversity comes innovation, and many of you have taken up the challenge by coming up with clever ways of conserving, some have come to the office and shared their methods with us. Also we are offering a toilet rebate program, retroactive to March 2014. Please check with the office to see if you qualify.

Pressure Washing
Saturday, at our regular meeting, the Board will be taking up the issue of pressure washing, for house and deck painting only. Pressure washing is not allowed at this time, and we will post the results of the Board ‘s action on the website or you can call the office.

That’s all for now. Thanks for conserving.

Dave Hicks
General Manager