General Manager’s Report
Dear Shareholders, Fall is here and we are out of the threat of wildland fire. We’ve had some decent rainfall, with the promise of more ahead. The Holiday season is coming fast, and we are ready.
CCWD Wholesale Water Purchase Agreement
After many months of negotiation, Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company and Calaveras County Water District have signed an agreement. We will have an informational meeting after our regular Board Meeting on November 14th, at 11:00 am. to explain the details to anyone who can attend. The agreement is also posted on our website. Any questions can be addressed to me at
This agreement would not have happened if not for the cooperation of the Blue Lake Springs Water Board, the CCWD Water Board and the staff members of both organizations, who had the vision to see the value of this partnership.
Drought/Water Conservation
Here are the October numbers.
2015 2,627,000 gallons water usage.
2014 3,430,000 = 23% savings
2013 4,401,000 = 40% savings
With the signing of the Wholesale Water Purchase Agreement with CCWD, we have reduced restrictions on water usage to Stage 2 of our Drought Action Plan.
Even though we are getting some rain now, and most of you are preparing for Winter, I would ask everyone to please remember that we are still in a drought condition. This winter may be a good water producer, but it won’t make up for the 4 previous years of low precipitation. Conservation will still be the norm for the next few years, and beyond.
Wells Drawdown
This is the amount of available storage we have in our wells.
It is expressed in feet of water above the pump intake. October 2014 = 51 feet above the intake.
October 2015 = 68 feet above the intake.
That’s 17 feet more storage than last year.
Please don’t forget to winterize your home if you will be gone for any length of time. You can check the website for details.
The toilet rebate program is still in effect, please take advantage of it That’s all for now, hope to see you at the Board Meeting on the 14th.
Dave General Manager, BLSMWC