General Manager’s Report
It was good to get some spring rain, but the drought is still with us. Here is our progress so far.
Blue Lake Springs is at the top in conservation again for April. You saved 1,124,000 gallons over April of 2014, that’s 33%. Compared to 2013 usage, you have saved 30%. This savings allowed our well to recover to within 3 feet of last years level. In 2014 – 90 feet above the pump intake. In 2015 – 87 feet above the pump intake. This shows the dramatic effect, conservation has on our supply, and the need to continue conserving in the months ahead.
Well # 4
We are working on a total price for the construction of this well, capable of producing 50 + gallons per minute. When we get this cost, we can begin construction.
Well # 5
75% plans are due next week for the construction of this well and pipeline. The date for start of construction is undetermined at this time.
Wholesale Water Purchase Agreement with CCWD
We are close to drafting an agreement with CCWD. There are some issues to be resolved, and the proposed agreement has to go through CCWD’s engineering committee, and of course be reviewed by our Board, but I feel that with some give and take on both sides, we can come to an agreement that CCWD and Blue Lake Springs can be happy with.
UWPA Raw Water Option
The Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company Board voted to suspend the UWPA Feasibility Study, pending further developments in our water purchase agreement with CCWD.
Drought Plan
At our Board Meeting on Saturday, the 9th, the Board will address three items that have to do with our Drought Plan. I have recommended adoption of these items.
1. Drip Systems: To allow the use of drip systems in the subdivision for irrigation.
2. Pressure Washers: Limiting the use of pressure washers, to be used only in painting and deck staining.
3. Toilet Rebate Program: Implementing a toilet rebate program that would pay $ 50.00 per unit for the replacement of an old inefficient toilet with a modern low flow model, 1.6 gallons or less. There would be a limit of 2 per household.
I will keep you informed on the Board’s decision on these items.
That’s all for now. Thanks for conserving.
Dave Hicks
General Manager