General Manager’s Report
Dear Shareholders,
The month of January has been a disappointment in terms of snow and rainfall, but we still have a couple of months to go.
We are not anticipating adding drought restrictions for 2018, but we will be monitoring our usage, and comply with State Water Resources Control
Board guidelines.
Wells Water Levels
The water levels in our wells are approaching maximum height. This is measured by feet of water above the pump intake.
Wells 2&3 ‐ January 2017 159 feet above pump intake. 2018 is 162
Well 4 ‐ January 2017 760 feet above pump intake. 2018 is 774
This data means that we will have enough water supply in our wells to supply all of Blue Lake Springs for 2018 if our supply from CCWD was stopped. We have a good agreement with CCWD to purchase half of our supply from them, and I don’t see any change coming.
January Usage—Water usage in January was down from 2017 by 443,000 gallons. Part of this low usage is probably due to low cabin occupancy.
With little snow at Bear Valley, we didn’t get the usual number of people up to ski.
Even though the weather is unusually warm right now, please don’t forget to close your water shut off valve at your cabin and drain your pipes when you leave.
Temperatures can drop fast in January and February, and we don’t want any frozen pipes in our cabins.
Tree Removal—Calaveras County is going to be doing some tree removal in Blue Lake Springs to protect our county roads from dead hazard trees. Right of access documents are going out to those affected. More tree removal means more chance of damage to owners water service lines , septic tanks, and leach fields. If you are one of those affected, try and mark the location of these areas for the removal contractor.
Water Pressure—As always, if you notice low water pressure at your cabin, you can call the Water Company.
We will check it for you.
That’s all for now.
David Hicks
General Manager
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co.
P.O.Box 6015, Arnold, CA 95223
Ph: 209‐795‐7025