General Manager’s Report
Dear Shareholders,
We are all hard at work here at BLSMWC getting ready for our USDA Water Distribution System Improvement Project. The Long Range Planning Committee is working on crunching the numbers needed for the bidding process. Our engineers, MC Engineering are working on an addendum to the completed Plans and Specifications, to clarify issues that came up at, and after, the Pre Bid Meeting we had on the 26th of April. We are still receiving some requests to change the location of some service boxes that are scheduled in the project. Everyone on the Project should have received a form with a picture of the lot and a mark where the new service box is going. A connection must be made by you the homeowner to this new box from your house. If you have concerns or questions about this connection or the location of the box please call the office and we will address them.
April Usage
April usage was only slightly higher than last April.
March and February were somewhat higher than past years, but it looks like the usage is leveling off and coming back down to a normal amount.
Here are the numbers.
- 2013 3,233,000 Gallons
- 2014 3,393,000
- 2015 2,269,000
- 2016 2,860,000
- 2017 2,603,000
- 2018 2,815,000
We did save some water ( 13% ) in April compared to April of 2013, which is the comparison year for state drought reporting. Thanks to all who are aware of their water use and are using water wisely.
Wells Drawdown
Our wells are in great shape heading into the Memorial Day Holiday. Well storage is measured as feet of water above the pump intake.
Well 3 is at 164 feet.
Well 4 is at 777 feet.
Both wells have recovered as far as the are going to, and are for the most part “topped off” and ready for the summer usage.
Irrigation Systems
All shareholders who have irrigation systems please check them for leaks or breaks in the line, and also the timers to make sure everything is working properly.
That’s all for now.
David Hicks
General Manager
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co.
P.O.Box 6015, Arnold, CA 95223
Ph: 209‐795‐7025