General Manager’s Report
Dear Shareholders,
Summer is here and I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler summer we are having so far.
Our Infrastructure Improvement Project is going well with all but 500 feet of the mainline installed on the west side of the Golf Course. New services and meters, hydrants, main regulators, and air reliefs have to be installed yet, and that will be our focus for the rest of 2019. The east side main work will start next spring. Letters will go out in the next 2 weeks to the homeowners in the Main Zone, which should be ready for connecting up to the new service boxes.
The Main Zone includes part of Moran Road, all of Dean Way, Russell Dr., David Lee Road, Kuen and Dean Courts.
The rest of the west side of Blue Lakes will be ready later in the year, when we will notify those homeowners. The soft temporary paving will be replaced by more permanent hot mix before winter. If you have any questions on the project, please call the office.
Water usage for June was higher than last year which follows the trend of the past 5 months of increased water consumption this
year. Please remember to check your irrigation systems for leaks and timer failures. The weather so far has been cooler and
more humid, so you may not need to water as much this summer.
Here are the numbers.
- 2013 5,738,000 Gallons
- 2014 4,532,000
- 2015 2,908,000
- 2016 4,225,000
- 2017 4,064,000
- 2018 3,938,000
- 2019 4,385,000
We consumed 24% less water this year in June compared to 2013, the State Drought Comparison Year.
Thanks for being water wise.
David Hicks
General Manager
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co.
P.O.Box 6015, Arnold, CA 95223
Ph: 209‐795‐7025