Dear Shareholders,
I hope everyone is enjoying summer up here in Blue Lakes!!

Our water supply is looking great for the remainder of the summer. As always, thank you for your conservation efforts.

Here are the usage numbers for July.



  • 2017 6,296,000 gallons
  • 2016 6,109,000
  • 2015 4,343,000
  • 2014 5,873,000
  • 2013 7,992,000

As you can see, usage was slightly higher in 2017 than 2016, but well below 2013, which is our comparison year for drought reporting to the State Water Resources Control Board. This indicates that we are still being “Water Wise” in our subdivision. It is prudent to be aware of our water use, because we don’t know what the next few winters will provide in precipitation, and Drought could return. These numbers show a water savings of 21%, comparing this July to 2013.

Survey Work

Some of you have already noticed survey marks in the pavement on the roads in BLS. Starting Wednesday August 2, crews from MC Engineering, will be out marking property pins on some lots in BLS for new service boxes. A small excavator will also be digging in several locations along the roads as part of the soils analysis work that we need prior to designing the new upgrades to our distribution system. This is part of our Infrastructure Improvement/Meter Installation Project, funded by a USDA loan that was approved last year.

Information on this loan can be found on our website.

That’s all for now.
David Hicks
General Manager
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co.
P.O.Box 6015, Arnold, CA 95223
Ph: (209) 795-7025