General Manager’s Report
Dear Shareholders,
Fall is here and I want to remind everyone to winterize. Colder days are coming soon and the last thing anybody wants is to come up to frozen or broken pipes.
Water usage was down in September in spite of a good turnout for the Labor Day holiday: Here are the numbers.
- 2013 4,885,000 gallons
- 2014 3,834,000
- 2015 3,315,000
- 2016 5,033,000
- 2017 4,675,000
- 2018 4,234,000
As you can see we are well below 2016 and 17. We saved 13% compared to 2013, the drought comparison year for reporting to the State. This shows wise use of water, so thank you all for conserving.
Every home in Blue Lake Springs has a pressure regulator, located either at the water service box, or on the house itself (usually near the water shut off valve).
The PRV or pressure regulating valve protects the house plumbing from possible high mainline pressures that could burst pipes.
The water company tries to manage mainline pressure to safe levels usually 80 psi max, but the nature of our elevation changes
sometimes means main pressures can be over 100 psi.
With new construction affecting many homeowners in BLS, the water company is making sure every new connection will have a PRV buy providing one to the homeowner to install when a connection is made to the new service box. This PRV will then be the owners responsibility to maintain. If you detect high or low water pressure problems, please call the water company and we will assist you.
That’s all for now.
David Hicks
General Manager
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co.
P.O. Box 6015, Arnold, CA 95223
Ph: 209‐795‐7025