General Manager’s Report
Dear Shareholders,
The Holidays are here and so is the cold weather. We have had a little rain and snow, and some lower temperature days, so please remember to winterize your cabin.
Our Infrastructure Improvement Project is progressing nicely, with water main, and new service box installation going on at Russell Dr., David Lee and Linda Dr. Remember, if you see a new service box next to your property pin, you don’t have to worry about connecting to it until 6 months after the main has been pressure tested and sanitized. We will let you know by letter when the 6 month period starts.
Please open all letters you receive from the Water Company.
November Water Usage
The usage for November was a little higher than last year by 340,000 gallons. This increase probably means more people came up to enjoy Thanksgiving, which is great because we have plenty of water available.
I’ll run down the numbers.
- 2013 3,822,000 gallons
- 2014 2,946,000
- 2015 2,710,000
- 2016 2,842,000
- 2017 3,158,000
- 2018 3,498,000
We saved 8% over 2013 November usage, the Drought comparison year for reporting to the State.
Wells Drawdown
This refers to the feet of water in the well above the pump intake. Our main well #3 has 156 feet of water above the intake, which usually tops out at 170 feet maximum, meaning, we have plenty of water to supply all of Blue Lake Springs for the Winter if we have to.
Treatment Plant Improvements in 2018
We made some improvements to our Treatment Plant in 2018:
Security Fence
We improved our old chain link fence around the perimeter of the Plant.
6 inch Butterfly Valves
We replaced 5 leaky control valves in the Plant.
Upgraded 2 space heaters in the T. P.
Backwash Pump
Rebuilt Backwash pump in T.P.
That’s all for now, have a great Christmas and New Year, and don’t forget to call the office, or the emergency number with any questions or problems.
Office: 795‐7025
After Hours: 795‐7030
David Hicks
General Manager
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co.
P.O.Box 6015, Arnold, CA 95223
Ph: 209‐795‐7025