Water usage has continued to decline in March, compared to previous years. March has always been a low  usage month for us, but we are below all years, going back to 2005. This shows we are all watching our water use, which is a good thing to do, in spite of a better winter. The latest measurement on the snowpack so far is 88% of normal.


Thanks for conserving. It’s geƫng warmer so please remember any watering must be done according to our Stage 2 Drought Plan.

Infrastructure improvements

The engineering firm of MC Engineering is working on a Preliminary Engineering Report. This report is necessary for applying for a USDA Loan to upgrade our infrastructure. The report will also pinpoint the most important replacement projects.

Office Relocation

A committee, made up of Board and staff members, is exploring opƟons for our office. The Rabobank building we are in is for sale, so the commiƩee is researching rental space in Arnold, and building an office on our property above the Treatment Plant in Blue Lake Springs. Modular structures are also being considered.

Well 4

The water sampling on well 4 came back excellent and a few minor parts need to be installed. The well will then be inspected by Dave Remick from the State Water Resources Control Board District Office. If everything goes as planned, Dave will complete the permit that will allow us to start pumping to our Treatment Plant. We should be operaƟng by the middle of April.

