Dear Shareholders,

2020 was a year none of us have experienced before, and I am looking forward to things getting back to normal in the next few months.

Our office is closed to the public but we are here and working. Just knock on the door and we will take care of you.


Water usage for the year 2020 was much higher than it’s been for the last 10 years.
Because of COVID‐19 we saw huge increase in occupancy.

Here is a comparison of yearly usage.

  • 2017 46,920,000 gallons for the year.
  • 2018 45,463,000
  • 2019 50,025,000
  • 2020 57,671,000

As you can see water usage went up a lot last year. We ask that you use water wisely, and be aware of your usage. This winter has not produced much snow so far and we could be heading into another drought period. Our wells are in great shape to handle the increase but we don’t want to forget about conservation.


The weather has been mild so far this winter so please make arrangements with a contractor to connect to the new mains installed last year. We still have about 50 residences that need to connect, and there are different deadlines for some areas.f you need help, please call our office. We have a list of contractors and we will supply a pressure regulator to you which will be installed at the time of connection.

The old water mains need to be disconnected as soon as everyone is hooked up.

Looking forward to a great year.

Dave Hicks
General Manager