LRPC July 2021
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the on‐going focus throughout this year will continue to be (1) managing our reserves budget against liabilities; (2) updating our multi‐year cash flow analysis; (3) updating our Asset Management Plan database to ensure the estimated long term asset replacement costs remain accurate; and (4) analyzing water meter usage to determine potential revisions to our consumptive rate structure.
As for managing reserves, we are in the process of soliciting multiple contractor bids and collecting firmer cost estimates, as well as looking into alternative options, for several of our identified reserve liabilities. Over the next couple months, we will continue to work on completing updates to our multi‐year cash flow analysis and asset management plan database funding options. We received additional information from CCWD regarding the cost and payment method to purchase additional capacity of 100K gallons/day and will be reviewing that with the LRPC later this month.
Over the past month, we have compiled water meter usage data through June 2021 and performed initial analysis. Since the final meters for all residences have recently been installed and activated, the data average sample size has increase from 1,423 in 2020 to an average of 1,610 for 2021, with 1,715 readings in June. To mention a few data points and trends:
- For 2018 ‐ 2020 approx. 80% of readings are less than our 350 CF/month allotment and consuming only ~30% of the water
- The 3‐year average CF per month for all readings is 268 CF/month.
- In 2020 approx. 20% of residences are using more than the 350 CF/month allotment and consuming ~70% of the water
- The total average CF usage/month has been decreasing each year 2018‐2020
A couple concerning trends for January – June 2021 (with a potential drought looming)
The 6 month ‐ CF/month overall average has increased from 2020 to 2021.
There are 28% of residences using more than the 350 CF/month allotment and consuming 74% of the water, both increases from 2020.
The water meter usage data will continue to be collected and analyzed throughout the remainder of 2021 with usage levels and trends evaluated for possible adjustments to our consumptive rate structure in 2022 and beyond. As we move forward through the remaining hot and dry summer months, please remember to take all steps to conserve water wherever possible and turn the increased usage trends around that we’ve seen in the first 6 months.
Thank You!!
Tom Schneider