As was mentioned last month, we are focusing on a re-structure of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC). Over the past few months the LRPC has been reviewing various options to best organize and assign the major committee tasks, as well as determine the most effective leadership structure. Throughout these reviews the tasks have been categorized and in some cases combined, with poten-tial leads volunteering and/or assigned to several tasks. Discussion has also focused on reaching a consensus of what we view the role of the LRPC being moving forward.
Over the next month, information is being compiled for further discussion to de-termine if the LRPC could be better structured with approximately 3 individual “standing committees” each with a lead overseeing an identified long range task category (Ex: asset management planning & reserves), as opposed to one committee with a single chair-person overseeing all long range tasks. Details of this ap-proach will be discussed with the current LRPC members to determine if it may be a more favorable structure and bring a recommendation to the Board for review and potential approval at the May 2022 BOD Meeting.
The LRPC also continues to monitor our reserves. With the completion of the USDA Project and updates to the Asset Management Plan, revisions to the Re-serves Fund Policy and Reserves Fund Operating Procedure are required and in process. Currently the Capital Asset Replacements Reserve Fund – Target Levels of $501,565 reflected in both the Policy and Operating Procedure are being vali-dated to ensure they satisfy the most current long-term (40 year) funding requirements as shown in the Asset Management Plan. Once completed, the target lev-els will remain as is, or updated if necessary. This process should be completed within the next couple weeks, and Policy and Operating Procedure will be re-viewed by the Board prior to approval.