LRSP Report
At our April Board of Director’s (BOD) Meeting, the LRPC made a recommendation to purchase additional radio read meters to replace the remaining 207 old meters still in place, which the Board approved. Combined with the 426 new meters already installed, we will now have a total of 633, all new meters. These 207 new meters will be installed by our BLSMWC staff over the next 2-3 months. The radio read meters will allow us to collect monthly “Usage Study” readings for all 633, which is an increase in sample size of 87%. Because the old meters require a manual read, they were only read 4 times per year, and limited the amount of data for our study. As mentioned previously, the LRPC will obtain monthly readings for all 633 meters throughout the remainder of 2017 in order to ensure a fair and equitable usage fee structure for 2018.