President’s Message
The rain and snow are back!!
I am sure everyone is thrilled that winter has returned, and it appears there is more coming.
Every year in the news a member of the Department of Water Resources hikes across the high‐country tundra and plants a pipe‐like devise into the snow. The pipe is withdrawn and through some minor use of Physics, the “water‐content” of the snow is instantly announced. I always thought that snow WAS wet but now learn there are levels of “WET‐ness.” What I do know is that the snow pack or its water content will translate to inventory in our wells. As of this writing our wells and thus our water supply is healthy, thanks to the severe winter of 2016‐17. Last winter’s snow and rain and the remainder of the current winter’s snow and rain season is making our inventory stronger. This is a good thing. A better thing is to continue to conserve and by and large: WE ARE
The USDA Project:
The Long‐Range Planning report will cover the progress of the “Project.” A couple of reminders: if your access line is being moved on your property, let the water company know if there are any special requests; e.g. a specific path you want the water line to flow; and/or any other conditions that may apply. We will be going out on construction bids very soon and expect the bids to be awarded by June. The bid information will be covered at the Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting in June:
Speaking of June … the Annual Meeting is the first Saturday in June, on the 2nd. The meeting will begin at 8:30 (yes…I know that’s early). The meeting will focus on the construction that is to start and where you can expect crews to be working and our best outline of a schedule of project events along with our regular annual reports.
Every year and this year was no exception, there were a number of pipe‐bursting cases that left homes severely damaged. Don’t be part of
this population. Winterize.
- Please contact the Water Company Office at 795‐7025 and record your email address, address changes, or updated phone contacts with us.
- Consider using the credit card option to pay your water bill. There is NO conveyance fee required. (we don’t charge extra for using a credit card)
- If someone you don’t recognize is on your property call the Calaveras County Sheriff. All staff working for the Water Company wear distinctive shirts//jackets. If you are not sure, call the Sheriff. You may call the Water Company, as well. Again, we will make every effort to notify the property owner if we are working in your area, but this is not always possible.
See you in June. Keep up the CONSERVATION!!!
Bob Maginnis
President, BLSMWC