There is a great deal going on, but first let me address changes on the Board of Directors:

Dave Owen worked on the Board for 21 years, OR, over 200 meetings as a volunteer. That is a lot. The annual meeting on June 2, 2018 was his last meeting. Dave was presented with a plaque that held three rusty faucets and two small messages wishing him well and thanking him for his service. His expertise will be missed.

There were three members that ran for two positions on the Board and the shareholders elected incumbent, Bob Maginnis and new Director Jeff Jones.

In the past the Board has met monthly. This has changed to six meetings a year: January, March, May, June (A required Annual Mtg), September and November.

Should any matter arise that requires some immediate action by the Board, a conference call meeting will be set up, with full public access.

2018 annual Meeting

There were a couple of matters discussed at the Annual Meeting:

  • The recent awarding of the low bid that was received at our Bid Opening for the 12.23M infrastructure repair, upgrading of the delivery piping system and replacement of all rear yard piping access went to a company with extensive experience.
    • The bidder was chosen, and a USDA required vetting process has begun to confirm the contractor’s background and work performance history. I would expect that will take two weeks and construction could begin as soon as early July.
  • At the Annual Mtg, attendees were asked to insure the Water Company has everyone’s email address, as we are building our database. If we DON’T have your email, please get it to us.
    • We are going to use Next‐door, emails and other venues to keep everyone aware of the construction process, which will include temporary road closers in some areas.
    • Another reason for asking for email addresses: future billing will include on‐line payment or electronic bill‐pay system that will allow users to auto‐pay their water bill, like other current utility billings.
  • There was a presentation covering the next three years reflecting the changes in the water delivery process. In addition to all the piping and property line adjustments, there will be many hydrants put into place.
  • The matter of future billing was discussed. When all meters are in place, the annual rate structure will be replaced by a bi‐monthly or quarterly billing system that will be based on two levels: a base rate charge for the Company’s infrastructure and consumption based upon use.

There is currently a consumptive use study in place and it will continue for two additional years. We are focusing on this aspect to determine a fair and equable consumption rate tiering.

As I mentioned there is a lot going on and we are about to enter a period that will conclude with a delivery structure that will provide for our grandchildren’s grandchildren and you are all going to be a part of that success.

Enjoy the coming Summer AND continue to Conserve.
Bob Maginnis