President’s Message
The Summer’s Heat has caused a higher than usual water demand. The good news is that when compared to 2016, our customers are still conserving,
as compared to years prior which means that YOUR conservation habits are still paying off in lower water usage!! Thank you!
If you attended the Annual Meeting of the Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company, you heard some questions asked by our Shareholders. I
promised answers, they are as follows:
Does the Water Company know of any vendor that carries Leak Insurance?
Blue Lake Springs Water Co. belongs to many state‐wide water organizations and the question was posed to them. The simple answer is no.
If my water line is relocated from the back of my property out to the utility right of way, does the Water Company complete the line from the meter to my house?
The water company provides a water source to your property. The homeowner is then responsible for the line from the meter to the dwelling.
What does it cost to run a line from the meter to the house?
This varies from lot to lot. The cost depends on the distance and travel line from the meter to the home. BLSMWC strongly encourages the homeowner to hire a licensed, bonded contractor to preform this task.
Over the past two months, a team from the Water Company authored a Request for Proposal (RFP) to choose an Engineering firm which would
assist in handling the complexities of our USDA Loan. There were six interested firms and three answered the RFP. The three respondent firms
were interviewed and their answers weighed and graded individually by the team’s three members. Once the team’s results were calculated,
MC Engineering from Folsom, CA was chosen.
We owe a debt of thanks to the two Board members and the General Manager for their efforts on this very complex and critically important
matter. Now that the engineering firm is in place, we have started some preliminary work on defining a schedule for the coming year as the
loan unfolds.
MC Engineering will have dedicated staff working on the project and will be providing monthly updates as the mission progresses. These updates
will be posted on our website….
What does this mean? Depending on where you live in BLS, you are likely to see activity in your neighborhood. We are going to make every
effort to notify individual homeowners as the project of installing piping in the utility‐right‐of‐way and installing a new radio read meters progresses.
In addition to new, larger capacity water lines, hydrants and residential meters, we will be upgrading the Water Treatment Plant. Finding water
is one job but getting the water to your tap and answering the State’s water purification program is a bit more difficult. Our current filtering
system has this demand well in hand but parts get worn out and need to be replaced.
I would encourage everyone to review our website: and stay up to speed on the happenings that are connected to the USDA
Enjoy the rest of the Summer.
Bob Maginnis
Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company