President’s Message
Stuff is everywhere, and the project is in high gear.
The blue pipe that you see, is designed for maximum flow and is destined for install in the Utility Right‐of –Way. The mounds of gravel go hand‐in‐hand with the pipe and is a grade of rock designed for this type of project. Mozingo Construction has purchased most of their needed supplies before the international tariffs increase.
We have received some feedback as to the storage placement of the gravel rock. The HOA has asked to remove it from their properties, which we have done. To preclude the misplacement of any equipment or supplies, the Water Company’s General Manager, the HOA’s General Manager and a representative from Mozingo will meet as needed to try to insure proper placement. As the project progresses in the target neighborhoods, the pipe and gravel will disappear.
We are using NextDoor, and our Facebook page, to keep everyone informed of matters like street closures. Staff relies on the contractor for that information. We in turn pass it on to the HOA and the Fire Department. Closures will be posted on our web site: as well. (look for the link to Facebook at the top of the page)
Reminder: If we don’t have your email address, we’d like it. Can’t send you anything without it.
Any project as far reaching as this will generate disruptions. We will do our best to minimize them, but they will occur.
Last November at a Town Hall Meeting, we said that we would be back with an updated meeting in 2018 and that is scheduled for November 10th at the Snow Flake Lodge, from 1:00 – 2:30. Present will be one of the principals of Mozingo Construction to answer any questions about the project, MC Engineering who provided great assistance to the Water Company in the project design and the General Manager of the Water Company. Bring your questions.
Looking ahead to January 1, 2020, which is but 14 months away the project should be almost complete. Almost because we must calculate into the construction calendar the number of days that the work will be suspended due to snow. The point being that the construction firm is going to be working at full speed. Once finished we will have a solid and long‐lasting system.
Speaking of snow, it is time to WINTERIZE (if you haven’t already!)
Best of the Holiday Season to all …. we have a lot to be thankful for.
Bob Maginnis
President, BLSMWC