President’s Message
We continue to be blessed with great weather and should not forget that the Fall leads to Winter, and Winter means storms, snow, and another water refill. With this being said, our user CONSERVATION is still alive and well, good for all of you!! Please remember to WINTERIZE your cabins!!
The Project continues and is about 75% complete. As you drive around BLS, you will note that the piles of gravel and the inventory of light blue pipe is gone‐‐‐‐gone underground for another 100‐120 years.
What is truly remarkable is the addition of over 50 fire hydrants. Once the Project is complete, 86 additional hydrants will have been added to the overall system. In addition, all other existing hydrants will be surveyed and upgraded if necessary. The Fire Department is thrilled. While thinking of hydrants, if one is added into your area, you may choose to notify your hazard insurance carrier for a potential discount.
We have said a lot in the past about changes that are going to occur to the Water Company’s Billing Process. Starting in 2020, every customer will be receiving a billing every TWO MONTHS. The first water bill will arrive in early March and will reflect the Base Rate and a User Rate. The Base Rate, which is the same for all customers is designed to cover all fixed costs in operating a company that delivers water. The User rate will reflect consumption based on use calculated in cubic feet, during each two month billing period. Each customer will be afforded an initial 700‐cubic feet in that time frame, and if exceeded an additional charge of $1.60 per 100 cubic feet will be charged.
This formula ONLY applies if you have a meter. Those few without meters will be receiving a billing for 1/6 their annual fee. The system calls for 1708 meters and we have installed about 1400, so we have a few yet to go.
I want to thank the members of the Long‐Range Planning Committee (LRPC) for their work in the formulation of the Base Rate, which INCLUDES everybody’s share of the USDA Loan payment.
INCLUDES means not in addition to! Remarkable.
The next Board of Directors’ meeting is on Saturday November 9th. There will be a Town Hall Meeting, at Snowflake Lodge starting at 12:00PM that same day. The Town Hall will cover coming changes in the Billing Process, including how to pay electronically and up-to-the-minute progress of the project from the Contractor.