President’s Message
In an effort to help The BLSMWC business office staff who handles your questions on a regular basis, I will address the most frequently asked questions in my Presidents
Report in hopes that this clarifies these particular topics.
- Where does our water come from?
BLSMWC owns and operates a series of wells, as we are a ground water company. (CCWD is a surface water company) Our wells currently supply ½ of our overall system. The other half is supplied with CCWD water. This partnership began a couple of years ago. The advantage of two sources supports our well infrastructure and prolongs the life of the wells. In 2012‐2014 we conducted a search for new well sites and examined nearly two dozen possibilities, of which 10 were chosen as probable water sources. In one word, the search for additional water sources was worse than GRIM. We were able to find water in only two places and subsequently constructed two new well sites. One of the two is connected to our daily water production and the other is capped for future use. The wells are performing and are monitored daily.
- I have a rear lot water supply line, why does the Water Company want to move it to the front of our property?
Rear lot supply lines reach back to the 1960s and were the option of the time. These supply lines are relatively small and were designed to support a single family dwelling. The Water Company working with the Ebbetts Pass Fire Department will be installing high flow fire suppression hydrants out in the utility right-of‐way, which runs parallel to the street. Laterals or supply lines from the utility right‐of‐way will be placed on the individual properties and connected to a hi-tech water meter. Supply lines will then be connected to the house.
- Will my water be shut off during the placement of the new front yard access line?
No. Once the new connection is completed, the rear yard line will be permanently shut off. The goal is to switch access but not interrupt the water flow.
- Does everyone get a meter?
Yes. We have been and will continue to install modern technology meters. These meters can be read remotely and will be, on a bi‐monthly basis at a minimum.
The goal is to standardize all meters and we are currently doing just that. Older meters have been replaced. By the way, California State law requires meters on
every home by the year 2025. - Will the water billing change from annual to a more frequent system?
Yes. All options are being explored. Billing processes vary and the most common is bi‐monthly or every two months. The new billing will include a base rate, which is structured to operate BLSMWC and a use rate, (consumptive) based on a scale of graduated use. We have been tracking water use for almost two years and there are clear consumptive levels. The use levels will be measured out into cubic feet thresholds.
- I feel that as a part‐timer, I underwrite the cost of water supplied to the full‐time residents. Is this true?
The Water Company supplies water and maintains the infrastructure needed to accomplish such. The Water Company does not determine who is part time or
full time. The full‐time residents amount to 12‐15% of the entire system. This figure has remained constant over the past number of decades. We are by charter
a Mutual Water Company, where everyone shares in the cost. Initially the costs have been the same for everyone. When the system is completely metered,
and the new infrastructure is complete, this will change. At that point, each residence will be billed a common base rate AND each residence will be billed for
(consumptive use). - Can I use my credit card to pay my water bill?
Yes. That is an easy one. There will be no conveyance charge associated to the payment.
- When will the new billing system begin?
That’s a good one. A little hard to call at this point as there is still a lot of construction coming. Best guess: early 2019. Lots of work yet to do ….
- Where will the new Meter Box go?
Every parcel is a bit different. In general, the meter box will be placed in a front corner of the property, within a short distance of the supply line, which will be or already exists in the utility right‐of‐way near the edge of the roadway. Every homeowner will be notified of the intended location for this box and if there is a conflict with trees, landscaping, etc. the positioning with be coordinated with the property owner.
- Who installs the new water access line from the meter to the residence, and who pays This cost?
The Water Company’s mission is to get the water supply to the homeowner’s property. Once the meter box and meter are installed, the homeowner is responsible to connect to the house. Options are: The homeowner installs the access piping and regulator to the residence; or, the homeowner hires a licensed, certified professional to complete the task. The BLSMWC Board of Directors is currently exploring those costs since the company is mandating the move to the front of the property. This cost factor varies from property to property and the Long‐Range Planning Committee (LRPC )which handles research for the Board is working on the overall system wide cost of relocating lines. We are planning on instituting a rebate program to offset the costs of the water line relocation and some details have yet to be worked out.
- If I still have questions, who is the person to call?
Call (209) 795‐7025 and ask. We are full of answers and they are more accurate than NextDoor.
- I heard that watering the trees on my property, for extended periods, will deter the Bark Beetle and save the tree. Does the Water Company recommend this watering option?
No. The Water Company has spoken with staff at UC Davis over this matter. There is no guarantee that extensive watering will deter the Bark Beetle. Soon this will become a very expensive deterrent.
Happy Holidays!!
Bob Maginnis
BLSMWC, Board President