President’s Report June 2021
The Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company’s Annual Meeting was held via ZOOM on June 5th. The hope is that future Annual Meetings will be held in person.
Most notable at this meeting was the final Board Meeting in Dave Hick’s long and distinguished career. Dave will move on to a well earned and deserved quieter life. We all wish Dave a long and prosperous retirement. Tyler Mayo has assumed the position of General Manager. In the business world, Tyler is known as a perfect job/person match. He has full support from the Board and staff. We all wish Tyler well and hope that his career with Blue Lake Springs Water will last as long as Dave’s 33 years.
Board member Bill Cover, who volunteered to be the point person as the Director of Elections, as called for in our By‐Laws, relayed the election results. There were four running for 3 positions. Jeff Jones, who was the incumbent Board member was re‐elected, and the two new vacant positions were filled by Jon Dashner and Bruce Utter. Each position is elected for a three‐year term. Thank you, shareholders, for doing your part in the voting process.
Tom Schneider, the chair of the Long‐Range Planning Committee (LRPC) delivered his annual report, which is included in this Bubbler. The Water Company is in a very stable financial position, thanks to a lot of staff oversight. I know that you know that the State of California is in a drought. The State Water Resource Board is looking for sizable use reductions. Several water companies have already put their drought measures in place. Simply stated: We MUST use less water!! We have done so before and we can do this again. Think CONSERVATION and be mindful of where water use can be reduced or better used. CONSERVATION is a practice and starts with a state of mind that professes “we CAN use less water”. Check out the website and learn of the water saving programs already in place. We have a rebate program for the purchase of a low‐flow toilets, and once we approach drought stage 2, we will again offer tokens to the local car wash. They recycle their water which saves your water at home!
Earlier I mentioned the results of the election, and after the Annual Meeting, the Board held its regular scheduled meeting, which was open to all, for the purpose of electing the Officers of the Board. This year, Sharon Tobias was elected President, Andy Rich Vice‐President, Bill Cover to the position of Secretary/Treasurer; and, Andy Rich, Jeff Jones, John Dashner were appointed to the LRPC.
For me, this ends 13 plus years of being a member of the Board. One day I received a call from the then sitting President John Speakman, who asked if I would fill in for a member that had left. Sure, I said, after all John is a friend. Very soon I found myself elected President.
The staff and I stayed strong through the events of the times, including a time when our water supply was summarily cut‐off. The search for additional and replacement wells, the results of which were at its best GRIM; and the current infrastructure was wearing thin.
The water company’s true grit showed as we found new well water sources, and with the help of their new manager, engaged CCWD and secured a partnership driven contract that guarantees water flow delivery. This launched a 3‐4 year 12.3M contract to rebuild and modernize the entire system, all designed to service the future needs of BLSMWC customers.
This entire effort profits all. Homeowner’s property values, when addressing water flow, is solid. New water lines specifically designed to compliment and enhance firefighting have been installed, and the entire system is set for a minimum of 50‐70 years.
I leave with a true sense of accomplishment and will forever be in awe of the Water Company staff that pulled this all together.
I wish you all the best.
Bob Maginnis