The BLSMWC Board of Directors met on March 6th via ZOOM and the meeting was one of the shortest on record for the simple reason that for the past 3 ½ years meetings were driven in a large part by the improvement project which is now complete.

One of the main goals of the USDA project was to fully meter the system, which as you may recall is a State mandate for all water companies in California by year 2025. BLS Water carries 1722 accounts that require monitoring. As of March 15th, all but about 15 connections are currently on‐line and the remaining are being worked on.

Yes …. It is snowing and yes, the snow counts for our future inventory in our wells. Despite the active snow levels, the State is still focused on a coming drought, and BLS conservation methods are still in place. We cannot control the snowfall but we have absolute control over the usage. Thanks for your continuing CONSERVATION efforts.

Dave Hicks our current General Manager is on track to retire in early June, after 33+ years working for BLSMWC. The BLSMWC Board, led by Andy Rich, a Board member who brings an extensive history of Human Resource, began the search for a replacement.

Management was also commissioned by the Board to conduct a search for the General Manager’s replacement. This was not an easy or simple task as the available field of candidates was extremely narrow. Andy’s task was augmented by three Board members who volunteered to review and interview all that applied.

After the process was properly and professionally vetted, Tyler Mayo, the sole internal candidate prevailed and did so demonstratively. Tyler is presently in his field assignment and working with Dave Hicks to prepare for the new position.

We all wish Tyler well.

BLSMWC is seeking candidates for the coming Board of Director’s annual election. If you are interested, call BLSMWC at: 209‐795‐7025 for more details, or, go onto the website: for further details. You must be prepared to work. There are six (6) monthly meetings, all currently on ZOOM and one Annual Meeting in June, also on ZOOM. You must be a customer of the Water Company and be in good standing. The members are elected at large, serve for three years and the Board elects their officers. If interested, please apply.

Be safe and well,
Bob Maginnis
BLSMWC Board President