Long Range Planning Committee Report


The Long Range Planning Committee was dissolved after the Shareholder’s annual meeting in July 2022, and restructured into five separate committees: Finance & Rates; Infrastructure & Facilities; Investment Management; Personnel; and Water Supply, Conservation & Outreach.


The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) presented the draft Reserves Policy at the October 13th Board of Director’s (BOD) Meeting. Based on recommendations from the LRPC members and concurred to by the BOD’s, due to the length and details within the policy, an additional more concise document will be prepared and serve as the Reserves…


The Long Range Planning Committee’s (LRPC) effort over the past month continues to focus on the formulation of an Asset Management Plan and a recommended Reserves Fund Policy. Both are still in process with the goal to discuss with our committee members in September and formulate a recommendation to present to the Board of Directors…


Over the past month, the Long Range Planning Committee’s (LRPC) primary focus has been (1) assisting the BLSMWC staff and MC Engineering in oversight of the USDA Project’s transition from the design to the construction phase; and (2) formulating a recommended “Reserves Policy” to present to the Board of Directors (BOD) at our October 13th…


For those shareholders not able to attend the Annual Meeting in June, the following will provide a summary of the Long‐Range Planning Committee (LRPC) presentation. As a reminder, the Charter of the LRPC is to serve as an “advisory committee” to the BLSMWC Board of Directors (BODs) providing on‐going “recommendations” for long term water supply…

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) met on April 23rd to review the “Preliminary” 2018‐2021 Cash Flow and Water Rates Analysis. The discussions were very productive, with questions, clarifications and suggested revisions that will be incorporated into the final recommendation to be presented to the Board of Directors at the May 26th meeting. Over the…

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) focus over the past month has been finalizing the 2018-2021 Cash Flow Analysis. This will be utilized to determine annual revenue required to meet total expenses as we move forward with the USDA Capital Improvement Project. This is also an annual submittal requirement to the USDA. As mentioned last…

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is currently focused on supporting our staff in managing the progress of MC Engineering as they work toward completion of the USDA Water System Improvement Project Design Phase. The design drawings and specifications are nearing 90% completion and scheduled for 100% completion by mid‐April. The challenge continues to be…

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is searching for a candidate to fill a committee member vacancy. Our desire is to find a BLS shareholder in good standing with a background that supports the skills and criteria as described below. The LRPC’s Charter is to serve as an advisory committee to the BLS Mutual Water…

LRPC Report

The LRPC’s recent focus has been on the Engineering and Design progress being made on the USDA funded Water Distribution System Improvement Project. Overall, the project is moving along well toward our final design milestones leading to the bidding and construction services by mid‐2018. Recently, as a result of findings during the initial design phase,…

LRPC Report

LRPC Mission Statement, Charter, Goals and Tasks LRPC Mission Statement Provide a safe and reliable long range water supply at an effective and predictable cost for the Blue Lake Springs shareholders over the next 40 years LRPC Charter Serving as an advisory committee to the Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company Board of Directors, provide…