Posts by thomas

President’s Message

Where did the Winter Go …? I am sure I am not the only one asking the question but where did winter go? This is the time of the year we count on an increase in our water inventory that arises out of the seasonal snow fall … but there has been little snow. What…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, The month of January has been a disappointment in terms of snow and rainfall, but we still have a couple of months to go. We are not anticipating adding drought restrictions for 2018, but we will be monitoring our usage, and comply with State Water Resources Control Board guidelines. Wells Water Levels The…

President’s Message

Happy New Year!! Hard to believe it is 2018 already. If you make New Year’s Resolutions, please add: “Saving Water is still OK.” While the meteorologists continue to debate over El Nino and La Nina, I would offer that it is still OK to CONSERVE. Planning now for water later is a good thing. The…

LRPC Report

The LRPC’s recent focus has been on the Engineering and Design progress being made on the USDA funded Water Distribution System Improvement Project. Overall, the project is moving along well toward our final design milestones leading to the bidding and construction services by mid‐2018. Recently, as a result of findings during the initial design phase,…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, I am filling in for our General Manager Dave Hicks this week and am happy to do his Bubbler Report in his absence. All the staff here at Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co. wishes all of you a Happy New Year and look forward to 2018. Wells Report: Our well levels are…

President’s Message

In an effort to help The BLSMWC business office staff who handles your questions on a regular basis, I will address the most frequently asked questions in my Presidents Report in hopes that this clarifies these particular topics. Where does our water come from? BLSMWC owns and operates a series of wells, as we are…

General Manager’s Report

Shareholders: All of our staff here at Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Co. wishes all of you…Happy Holidays. Wells Report Our well levels are holding strong at 154 feet above the pump intake for well #3, and 767 feet above the pump intake for well #4. We are keeping our well engineers, Luhdorff and Scalmanini,…

LRPC Report

LRPC Mission Statement, Charter, Goals and Tasks LRPC Mission Statement Provide a safe and reliable long range water supply at an effective and predictable cost for the Blue Lake Springs shareholders over the next 40 years LRPC Charter Serving as an advisory committee to the Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company Board of Directors, provide…

General Manager’s Report

Shareholders: I would like to thank you all for your attending the Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, November 11th.  Your suggestions, questions, and input were appreciated. I hope that the Board, Staff, and Engineering firm were helpful and informative. If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please call the BLSMWC office at: 795-7025, you…

President’s Message

The Water Company has been busy since the last Bubbler edition. The Board of Directors has modified their meeting format from the standard practice of monthly meetings to selected months starting in November of 2017. The Board Meeting schedule starting in 2018: January, March, May, June, September and November. The shift to the revised schedule…