General Manager’s Report

General Managers Report

Hi Shareholders, We are sure having a great spring, with some rain to help with our beetle /tree problem. The ground is saturated and the trees can gain strength to fight off infestation. If you plan on treating your trees, check with your pest control company to see if this is good time to inject…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, Governor Brown has declared an end to the drought. We have had 2 very good rainy seasons, which we are all thankful for. I think these last few years of drought have taught us a lot about being water wise. March Water Usage (shown on the graph below) The water usage in March…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, What a difference a few days make. This Spring like weather is really fantastic. A few days ago, it was cold, rainy, and snowy, but now it is sunny and warm, the frogs are croaking, and the ants are attacking my kitchen. This is typical weather for this time of year, and I…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, We are starting off 2017 with very good precipitation totals so far. One of our shareholders has reported 70.75 inches of rain as of 2/10. Blue Lake Springs and most of the rest of the state is in a much better situation, heading into summer, than we were last year, with more to…

General Manager’s Report – January 2017

  Dear Shareholders, I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season. The recent heavy rains have been a blessing to the ongoing Drought situation, but have also caused problems for the Calaveras County Water District. Runoff from Big Trees Creek exposed a CCWD water pipe, and there was concern that the pipe could break, causing…

General Manager’s Report -December

Shareholders: Production Production from our wells was slightly higher in November than last year, but lower than 2014. We started purchasing water from CCWD in November 2015, and it has had a very beneficial impact on our well recovery. Drawdown Well drawdown is the amount of available water in our well for pumping. It is…

General Managers Report – November

Hello Shareholders, PG&E contractors, ( Trees Inc. and Mario’s Tree Service) are soon to be increasing the number of tree cutting crews in Blue Lake Springs. If possible, it would be prudent to mark your water service line if you are having trees removed. Your service line runs between our water box and your house…

General Manager’s Report – October

Hello Shareholders, Fall is upon us, and rain is in the forecast for this weekend. Colder weather is coming, so if you are going away for the winter, please don’t forget to winterize your cabin. It’s a good idea to turn of the water to your cabin, even if you are only going to be…

General Manager’s Report – September

Shareholders: For the Months of July and August, our produc on from the well was down because of the water purchasing we are doing from CCWD. This allows us to run our wells less, and saves that water for future use. The usage was higher for July and August than the previous 2 years. We…

General Manager’s Report – August

Shareholders: Here is an update on what’s happening at BLSMWC. DROUGHT: We are remaining in Stage 2 of our Drought Action Plan. There was no water saved in the Month of July. Our usage was a little higher than 2014, my comparison year. I expected this, especially with the higher temperatures, and all the dead…