Posts by thomas

General Manager’s Report June 2024

Pipe Replacement In November of 2023, we replaced 450 feet of 6-inch pipe from Snowflake Drive to Del Rio Drive, which is part of our pumping line from the Treatment Plant to Tank 6. Fire Hydrants Over the Winter, we had 2 hydrants damaged, one by a tree, and the other by a vehicle. Both…

President’s Report June 2024

I want to say that it has been an honor and pleasure to serve as President. It’s been a relatively quiet year for the Water Company – after years of infrastructure improvements. In 2023, we had a record low water consumption compared to the previous 10 years due to both conservation and the new infrastructure.…

President’s Report May 2024

Hello, Spring has finally arrived in Arnold! I hope everybody had a great winter and is now enjoying the fabulous weather. We have an upcoming election for the BLSMWC Board of Directors. We are fortunate to have 4 extremely qualified people running for 3 Director positions. By now, you have received the ballot information, biographies…

President’s Report August 2023

Shareholders: It’s been a great summer in Arnold and things are winding down as the children and grandchildren head back to school and the adults return to work. Now is a great time to remind yourself and family members who use your cabin on how to winterize to protect from leaks. Trust me, leaks are…

General Manager’s Report July 2022

Usage: BLSMWC usage is down nearly 1 million gallons (22%) from last year. For the month of June we saved more than the State requirement of 20% reduction in usage. Thank you for your conservation efforts, please keep it up throughout the drought. If we can all work together to conserve, the water will always…

President’s Report July 2022

President’s Report Please remember that your votes count and are important to the BLSMWC. The BLSMWC held the Annual Shareholder’s Meeting on June 4, 2022. The Director of Elections, Jeff Jones, reported that we did not have a sufficient number of proxies to achieve a quorum to conduct business, so we were unable to elect…

General Manager’s Report May 2022

Annual Shareholder’s Meeting, June 4, 2022 General Manager Mayo’s Report: Throughout 2021 we wrapped up the USDA project, then completed the meter installation to every home in the Blue Lake Springs Subdivision. After the completion of the USDA project, we updated many of our policies and procedures to reflect the new water system. The field…

President’s Report May 2022

Shareholders: The BLSMWC and its Board of Directors was greatly saddened by the passing of Bob Maginnis, Former President of BLSMWC Board. Bob was elected to the board in 2006 and served as President from 2013 to 2021. He was one of the main reasons I ran (and continued to run) for the Board as…

LRPC March 2022

As was mentioned last month, we are focusing on a re-structure of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC). Over the past few months the LRPC has been reviewing various options to best organize and assign the major committee tasks, as well as determine the most effective leadership structure. Throughout these reviews the tasks have been…

General Manager’s Report March 2022

Dear Shareholders, Congratulation’s shareholders, in February we used 2.7 million gallons which is nearly 800,000 gallons less (23% saving) than this time last year. Which equates to 34,800 10-minute showers. Thank you for your conservation. Of the 2.7 million gallons used, there were more than 200,000 gallons in leaks which occurred at homes that did…