General Manager’s Report

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, 2019 was an exciting year for the Water Company. We completed a large portion of our Infrastructure Improvement Project, and changed our Rate Structure and billing process. The weather for December and January has been good enough to allow contractors to work on making connections from cabins to the new mains we have…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, Happy New Year to everyone. A lot of work was done in 2019 on our Infrastructure Improvement Project. We are about 75% complete, and have sent out Notice to Connect letters to some of you. Please remember that we would like to disconnect the old water mains as soon as we can, and…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, The Weather is staying mild and warm into November, but soon it will get cold so remember to check your irrigation system and make sure you are ready to shut it off and drain it before freezing temperatures hit. The same goes for your cabin. Please winterize before the temps drop. Water Usage…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders: We now have 1,226 meters in the ground and activated, and we plan to finish installing by spring of 2020 to total 1,708 residences. PG&E Power Shutoffs There is a chance that PG&E will shut power off to Blue Lake Springs Subdivision this year. If the PSPS, as it’s called, goes into effect,…

General Manager’s Report

USAGE Water usage for July is slightly down from last year, which is a change from previous months. July is usually our highest usage month, so we may be trending down for the rest of the year. Well production is also lower, with high water levels indicating plenty of storage for the rest of 2019.…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, Summer is here and I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler summer we are having so far. Our Infrastructure Improvement Project is going well with all but 500 feet of the mainline installed on the west side of the Golf Course. New services and meters, hydrants, main regulators, and air reliefs have to…

General Manager’s Report

Shareholders, It’s time to water again, so please check your irrigation systems for leaks and timer settings. Part of our USDA Project is to update all service boxes that already have a main in the street from past projects. This update includes a new valve, meter and check valve, along with a pressure reducing valve…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, Spring is here and our USDA Water System Improvement project is up and digging again. Water main has been installed on Russell Dr., David Lee, all of Moran, Dean Way, Marilynn, Dawn and Helen. Water service Boxes are being installed on Dean Way. Please be careful driving in these work zones. Letters will…

General Manager’s Report

February was a month of cold, snow and heavy rain. We had some frozen and broken pipes in some cabins and this caused a higher water usage than normal for February. Some cabin’s pipes froze overnight, even with occupants home, and the heater on. Please check your house shutoff if you haven’t checked it lately.…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, January was fairly quiet as far as storms go, but it looks like February is coming on with a bang. Very cold temperatures, 18 degrees and colder in some places means frozen pipes. It happens every year, so don’t you be one of the homeowners who arrive at the cabin to find water…