Posts by thomas

General Manager’s Report September 2021

Dear Shareholders, Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company is currently in Stage 1 of our drought plan. Stage 1 consists of: NO watering of forest trees, NO watering on Mondays, NO watering between 10am-6pm, watering outside is a voluntary reduction of 10% and Odd addresses water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Even addresses water on Wednesday,…

LRPC August 2021

There have been no significant updates over the past month to the majority of on‐going LRPC focus areas. We continue to work with BLSMWC management and staff to obtain firm cost estimates on potential liabilities against our reserves budget, as well as updates to the Asset Management Plan database and fixed versus variable costs. Much…

General Manager’s Report August 2021

Dear Shareholders, Calaveras County water conservation partnership has started again. This partnership is between our local water agencies to promote water conservation. HISTORY Calaveras Conserves was formed in Spring, 2015 as an opportunity for agencies to provide a consistent outreach message to the community during droughts. All major water agencies in Calaveras County are members…

General Manager’s Report July 2021

Dear Shareholders, We are heading into another drought and state officials are asking us to voluntarily reduce water use by 15% compared to 2020 use. Blue Lake Springs is currently in drought Stage 1 of our drought action plan. Stage 1 consists of: NO watering of forest trees, NO watering on Mondays, NO watering between10am-6pm,…

LRPC July 2021

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the on‐going focus throughout this year will continue to be (1) managing our reserves budget against liabilities; (2) updating our multi‐year cash flow analysis; (3) updating our Asset Management Plan database to ensure the estimated long term asset replacement costs remain accurate; and (4) analyzing water…

President’s Report July 2021

Shareholders: The BLSMWC Board held its first hybrid Board meeting with Board members and employees meeting in person and via Zoom. It was great to finally meet in person afer 14 months of Zoom meetings. As you know, Dave Hicks, our General Manager for many years and 34‐year employee of the BLSMWC, retired in June.…

LRPC June 2021

As we progress through 2021, the LRPC primary focus will be on both short‐term and long‐term financial planning and management to ensure we maintain our currently strong financial position. Looking forward, there are factors that we must take into account that will make this a challenging task, including developing plans to cope with another potential…

President’s Report June 2021

The Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company’s Annual Meeting was held via ZOOM on June 5th. The hope is that future Annual Meetings will be held in person. Most notable at this meeting was the final Board Meeting in Dave Hick’s long and distinguished career. Dave will move on to a well earned and deserved…

General Manager’s Report June 2021

Shareholders, My name is Tyler Mayo and I am the new General Manager of BLSMWC. I’m looking forward to working with my wonderful team, as well as serving all the Blue Lake Springs shareholders. My professional experience comes from 8 years as Water Master for BLSMWC, as well as a small business owner in this…

LRPC May 2021

As we progress through 2021, the LRPC primary focus will be on both short-term and long-term financial planning and management to ensure we maintain our currently strong financial position. Looking forward, there are factors that we must take into account that will make this a challenging task, including developing plans to cope with another potential…