Posts by thomas

President’s Report March/April 2020

First and foremost, please ensure that you are taking reasonable precautions to not be a statistic of COVID-19. Washing your hands is a great use of our water!! The Board met March 14th and discussed many interesting items; – The “Project” we have all been living with is 85% complete. The answer to the questions:…


Over the past month, the continuing emphasis of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) has been to finalize the Asset Management Plan and Amendment 6 submittals from MC Engineering. There have been several additional discussions to ensure that the content is complete and accurate. This has resulted in further revisions to both documents received in…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, 2019 was an exciting year for the Water Company. We completed a large portion of our Infrastructure Improvement Project, and changed our Rate Structure and billing process. The weather for December and January has been good enough to allow contractors to work on making connections from cabins to the new mains we have…

President’s Report

Shareholders: By now, every homeowner should have received a copy of the new water bill. PLEASE read the document…it is full of info. The office has received a throng of calls concerning the billing format. The vast majority of the questions asked are covered in the billing document. In the quiet of the moment give…

LRPC December 2020

Well, we are finally approaching the completion of our USDA contract, with Closeout estimated to occur on January 15, 2021. To give some perspective on the time and commitment this took, the USDA loan was approved December 27, 2016, Engineering & Design started in June 2017 and Construction in September 2018. In the end, a…

President’s Report

Happy New Year!!!! As 2020 is upon us, the Project is about 75% complete. Further work has scaled back due to the weather, which was expected. Speaking of weather…. Yes; there was a lot of snow and hence water supply from the 2019 winter months and it looks like there is more coming. Just wanted…


Over the past couple months, on‐going efforts have resulted in two revisions and reviews of the “Draft” Asset Management Plan. The progress has been delayed due primarily to (1) the GIS mapping of assets and GIS database development taking significantly more time than planned, and (2) the extra coordination required between the BLSMWC staff and…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, Happy New Year to everyone. A lot of work was done in 2019 on our Infrastructure Improvement Project. We are about 75% complete, and have sent out Notice to Connect letters to some of you. Please remember that we would like to disconnect the old water mains as soon as we can, and…

President’s Message

Winter is coming, and even though the weather is still so nice it is time to think: WINTERIZING !! Please take a moment and think of what you can do to WINTERIZE your home. The Water Company is in the final stages of improving the water delivery system with new piping, fire hydrants and meters.…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, The Weather is staying mild and warm into November, but soon it will get cold so remember to check your irrigation system and make sure you are ready to shut it off and drain it before freezing temperatures hit. The same goes for your cabin. Please winterize before the temps drop. Water Usage…