Posts by thomas

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) met on April 23rd to review the “Preliminary” 2018‐2021 Cash Flow and Water Rates Analysis. The discussions were very productive, with questions, clarifications and suggested revisions that will be incorporated into the final recommendation to be presented to the Board of Directors at the May 26th meeting. Over the…

President’s Message

Shareholders: I continue to thank you for your conservation efforts, and this month is no exception. We are all users of water, thanks to those who conserve. We all need to be smarter water users. The bidding process is in place for the upcoming project. We are pleased with the caliber of contractors that answered…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, We are all hard at work here at BLSMWC getting ready for our USDA Water Distribution System Improvement Project. The Long Range Planning Committee is working on crunching the numbers needed for the bidding process. Our engineers, MC Engineering are working on an addendum to the completed Plans and Specifications, to clarify issues…

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) focus over the past month has been finalizing the 2018-2021 Cash Flow Analysis. This will be utilized to determine annual revenue required to meet total expenses as we move forward with the USDA Capital Improvement Project. This is also an annual submittal requirement to the USDA. As mentioned last…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, Precipitation totals are climbing for the year due to much needed rain in March. Hopefully this rain will give the pine trees enough sap to fight off the bark beetle attack that is sure to come this year. March Usage March usage was higher than previous years. Here are the numbers. 2013 3,066,000…

President’s Message

Shareholders: After the recent rain and snow, the water watching experts have declared that even though we received a fruitful rainfall, the drought still exists. I have yet to hear anyone deny that the drought, or better, the effects of the drought have disappeared. The willingness to conserve and make better use of water continues…

President’s Message

The rain and snow are back!! I am sure everyone is thrilled that winter has returned, and it appears there is more coming. Every year in the news a member of the Department of Water Resources hikes across the high‐country tundra and plants a pipe‐like devise into the snow. The pipe is withdrawn and through…

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shareholders, We are finally seeing some precipitation after a couple of dry winter months. It may not be enough to get us back to normal for the season but we’ll see. I’ll break down the usage numbers for February. February Usage 2013 3,157,000 gallons 2014 2,974,000 2015 2,480,000 2016 2,993,000 2017 3,007,000 2018 3,286,000…

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is currently focused on supporting our staff in managing the progress of MC Engineering as they work toward completion of the USDA Water System Improvement Project Design Phase. The design drawings and specifications are nearing 90% completion and scheduled for 100% completion by mid‐April. The challenge continues to be…

LRPC Report

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is searching for a candidate to fill a committee member vacancy. Our desire is to find a BLS shareholder in good standing with a background that supports the skills and criteria as described below. The LRPC’s Charter is to serve as an advisory committee to the BLS Mutual Water…