Posts by thomas

President’s Report May 2021

Going over a past number of Bubbler publications, I have mentioned rather repeatedly the need for CONSERVATION. While you might be tired of reading references to the need to CONSERVE, that need is critically before us. Not because I like talking about it but due to the lack of water from the last two winter’s…

General Manager’s Report May 2021

Dear Shareholders, California will likely go into another drought cycle according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. We are asking you to be aware of your water usage and to use water wisely. Please check your irrigation systems for any leaks or timer malfunctions. Now that all customers are metered, homeowners are responsible for all water…

President’s Report April 2021

Since the inception of the Bubbler (by the way … do you know what a Bubbler is or was? You can find the answer at the end of my report!) I have mentioned the word CONSERVATION or CONSERVE several times, in fact perhaps too many times. CONSERVE comes from the Latin language, which I studied…

LRPC April 2021

As mentioned in last month’s Bubbler, expenses we covered during the USDA Project construction resulted in a reimbursement at close of $1.921M. This allowed for internal BLSMWC distributions of $802K to a Restricted Reserves Fund, $546K to a Capital Asset Reserve Fund and $574K back into our Operating Account to offset a portion of our…

General Manager’s Report April 2021

Dear Shareholders, With two winters of low precipitation and reservoirs only half full we head into the summer dry season. The stage is set for an escalation of extreme dry conditions and widespread water restrictions are possible. We are currently in Stage 1 of our Drought Action Plan which calls for voluntary conservation. Our watermasters…

President’s Report March 2021

The BLSMWC Board of Directors met on March 6th via ZOOM and the meeting was one of the shortest on record for the simple reason that for the past 3 ½ years meetings were driven in a large part by the improvement project which is now complete. One of the main goals of the USDA…

LRPC March 2021

The USDA Project is officially complete! Project construction was completed mid‐January and the final closing/recording date of our USDA loan occurred on January 20th. In the final USDA total allocation of $12.226M, the cost breakdown was 74% for construction, 18% for engineering and construction management, 5% to cover BLSMWC purchased parts including all the new…

General Manager’s Report March 2021

Dear Shareholders, We are getting some more snow, but thankfully in smaller amounts than the January 28th storm. Please remember to shut the water off at your cabin when you leave. This will prevent water damage to your cabin from broken or frozen pipes. Connection to New Service Box Now that our Infrastructure Improvement Project…

President’s Report February 2021

Now THAT was a snowstorm. I hope everyone got through it ok. The Water Company’s generators insured that water was deliverable and we were able to keep our office emergency lines open (intermittently) to serve any customer needs. I have a couple of words for the month: #1 WINTERIZING Winterizing is a fancy word for…

General Manager’s Report February 2021

Dear Shareholders, The week of January 24th brought a major storm to our area. The storm caused widespread damage to Arnold and Blue Lake Springs, with power outages lasting several days. Your water company was working hard to keep the water flowing. Using our portable emergency generator, we were able to pump water from Tank…