General Manager’s Report

General Manager’s Report June 2021

Shareholders, My name is Tyler Mayo and I am the new General Manager of BLSMWC. I’m looking forward to working with my wonderful team, as well as serving all the Blue Lake Springs shareholders. My professional experience comes from 8 years as Water Master for BLSMWC, as well as a small business owner in this…

General Manager’s Report May 2021

Dear Shareholders, California will likely go into another drought cycle according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. We are asking you to be aware of your water usage and to use water wisely. Please check your irrigation systems for any leaks or timer malfunctions. Now that all customers are metered, homeowners are responsible for all water…

General Manager’s Report April 2021

Dear Shareholders, With two winters of low precipitation and reservoirs only half full we head into the summer dry season. The stage is set for an escalation of extreme dry conditions and widespread water restrictions are possible. We are currently in Stage 1 of our Drought Action Plan which calls for voluntary conservation. Our watermasters…

General Manager’s Report March 2021

Dear Shareholders, We are getting some more snow, but thankfully in smaller amounts than the January 28th storm. Please remember to shut the water off at your cabin when you leave. This will prevent water damage to your cabin from broken or frozen pipes. Connection to New Service Box Now that our Infrastructure Improvement Project…

General Manager’s Report February 2021

Dear Shareholders, The week of January 24th brought a major storm to our area. The storm caused widespread damage to Arnold and Blue Lake Springs, with power outages lasting several days. Your water company was working hard to keep the water flowing. Using our portable emergency generator, we were able to pump water from Tank…

General Manager’s Report January 2021

Dear Shareholders, 2020 was a year none of us have experienced before, and I am looking forward to things getting back to normal in the next few months. Our office is closed to the public but we are here and working. Just knock on the door and we will take care of you. USAGE Water…

General Manager’s Report December 2020

The year is almost over, and what a year it was. Our Infrastructure Improvement project is complete, and we should close out by the first week in January. The weather is nice, so if you haven’t connected to your new service box, now is the time. Call the office if you have any questions on…

General Manager’s Report October 2020

Dear Shareholders, Fall is here and it’s time to check your irrigation systems. Look for any leaks, broken sprinkler/mister heads, and bad timers. Also start thinking about winterizing your irrigation and cabin. It’s still quite warm out for October, but this can change fast as the days go by. USDA Infrastructure Project The last piece…

General Manager’s Report May/June 2020

Dear Shareholders, I hope all of you are staying safe and sane throughout this COVID‐19 event.  It appears things are starting to get  better, but we still have a bit more to go.  Your water company employees are working to keep your water  flowing, and will help with any water problem you may have. Water Meters Many…

General Manager’s Report March/April 2020

Dear Shareholders, I hope everyone is staying safe and taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Water Company is also taking measures to keep the water flowing and our employees safe. Infrastructure Improvement Project Until the weather got bad, Mozingo had been working on replacing the fire hydrants in unit 13. This required…