President’s Report

President’s Report May 2021

Going over a past number of Bubbler publications, I have mentioned rather repeatedly the need for CONSERVATION. While you might be tired of reading references to the need to CONSERVE, that need is critically before us. Not because I like talking about it but due to the lack of water from the last two winter’s…

President’s Report April 2021

Since the inception of the Bubbler (by the way … do you know what a Bubbler is or was? You can find the answer at the end of my report!) I have mentioned the word CONSERVATION or CONSERVE several times, in fact perhaps too many times. CONSERVE comes from the Latin language, which I studied…

President’s Report March 2021

The BLSMWC Board of Directors met on March 6th via ZOOM and the meeting was one of the shortest on record for the simple reason that for the past 3 ½ years meetings were driven in a large part by the improvement project which is now complete. One of the main goals of the USDA…

President’s Report February 2021

Now THAT was a snowstorm. I hope everyone got through it ok. The Water Company’s generators insured that water was deliverable and we were able to keep our office emergency lines open (intermittently) to serve any customer needs. I have a couple of words for the month: #1 WINTERIZING Winterizing is a fancy word for…

President’s Report January 2021

First and foremost: Happy New Year!! 2021 will be a better year, if we give it a chance. If you are wondering where are Mozingo’s heavy trucks and construction equipment, they left in late December. The 12.2M dollar system improvement project is complete and, in a few days the remaining paperwork will be signed with…

President’s Report December 2020

Over the past few months, I have indicated that the Project is coming to a close. Now all is finally complete. Mozingo has packed up their equipment and moved onto another job site. As the Project’s Contractor, they did an incredible job, and the Water Company is very pleased with their performance and delivery of…

President’s Report October 2020

Included in the past few Bubblers, I have alluded to the impending conclusion of the infrastructure project. That moment is now before us. Final touches and “punch-list” work are starting to be addressed which are signs that the project is truly coming to a close. There a lot of folks to thank: Dave Hicks, the…

President’s Report May/June 2020

The BLSMWC Board of Directors met on Saturday, May 23rd, in a ZOOM forum.  Due to the Covid19 virus, all regularly attended meetings have been suspended  for Board members, staff and visitors until further notice. When necessary, the  Board will meet via a conference call or ZOOM meeting. Dave Hicks brought everyone up to date…

President’s Report March/April 2020

First and foremost, please ensure that you are taking reasonable precautions to not be a statistic of COVID-19. Washing your hands is a great use of our water!! The Board met March 14th and discussed many interesting items; – The “Project” we have all been living with is 85% complete. The answer to the questions:…

President’s Report

Shareholders: By now, every homeowner should have received a copy of the new water bill. PLEASE read the document…it is full of info. The office has received a throng of calls concerning the billing format. The vast majority of the questions asked are covered in the billing document. In the quiet of the moment give…